1) Would you rather live in your home country or live abroad? 2) Would you rather be poor but happy or rich but unhappy? 3) If you had to lose one of your senses (sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste) which would you rather lose? 4) Would you rather be rich or famous? 5) If you were in a swimming pool, would you jump into the water or slowly start swimming? 6) When you are in a restaurant, is it easy for you to choose the meal? 7) When it is your friend's birthday, is it easy for you to choose a present for him/her? 8) Would you rather fight in a war or leave the country? 9) Do you think you want children someday? If so, how many? 10) Would you rather work for a company, or have your own business?  11) What kind of pets would you consider having as an adult? Do you want to adopt pets? 12) What sports do you think you will play when you are older? why? 13) What kind of home do you expect to own or live in when you're older? 14) Would you like a job that requires traveling? Why or why not? 15) Do you like to buy many things or save your money?

Decisions in life





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