globalization - the way companies operate all over the world, pursue - to carry out, subsequent - coming after something, commuter - someone who travels to work each day, hospitality - kindness to guests, itinerary - timetable of events, flattering - making you look attractive, target - the intended victim of a bad action, confide in - to tell someone something that is private, authentic - genuine and as it should be, feast - a large meal usually part of a celebration, onlooker - someone who watches an event, perpetrator - someone who commits a crime, try - to see if someone is guilty or innocent in court, defendant - a person who is on trial, mortgage - a loan that you take in order to buy a home, negotiate - to try to make an agreement with somebody by discussion, recruit - to try to get someone to work for an organization, amenity - something that is built or put soemwhere for the convenience or pleasure of the people who live or stay there, implication - an effect of an action on the future, long for - to very much want something and think about it a lot, thrill - a feeling of great excitement, blockbuster - a popular and commercially successful book or movie, reference - a mention of something,

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