1) what does π r² find a) circumference of a circle b) area of a square c) area of a triangle d) perimeter of a hexagon e) area of a circle f) circumference of a sphere 2) 5+x=11-x what does x equal a) 1 b) 5 c) 3 d) 6 e) 8 f) 9 3) 325/5 a) 28 b) 65 c) 78 d) 37 e) 84 f) 18 4) bonus round-ĤƠᵚ many types of fire extinguishers a) 10 b) 9 c) 8 d) 7 e) 6 f) 5 5) who found π a) Archimedes of Syracuse b) Danial Larson c) quandale dingle d) goofy r uncle e) Isaac newton f) pythagorys 6) 5 cubed a) 1 b) 50 c) 500 d) 25 e) 125 f) 225





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