1) My brother ... in the restaurant for the summer, but he ... it very much. a) worked/doesn't like b) is working/doesn't like c) has been working/didn't like d) working/ doesn't like 2) They were unhappy with the way things ... a) are going b) were going c) have been going on d) will be going on 3) We usually ... the news on TV at 8 o'clock, but tonight we ...that that new soap opera. a) are watching/watched b) watch/are watching c) are watching/are watching d) watch/watched 4) Foreign investmens ... reduced by 20 per cent since the election a) have been b) were c) have had d) has been 5) There is no bread left because we ... it all. a) have eaten b) has been eaten c) had eaten d) have been eaten 6) We will close all the windows in case it ... while we are out. a) rains b) rain c) rained d) will rain 7) By April 2023, he ________for this organisation for 15 year. a) has been working b) will have been working c) will be working d) had been working 8) The day she agreed to marry him was the happiest he ... ever ...in his life. a) had/had b) will/have c) would have d) has/had 9) Next August ,while you ...for your exams, I ... on the beach. a) are preparing/will be b) prepare/ will be c) were preparing/was d) were preparing would 10) I .... to phone you all week.Where ...? a) am trying/ were you b) have tried/did you c) tried/were you d) have been trying/ have you been





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