1) Ja mam kręcone włosy. a) I has got curly hair. b) I haven't got curly hair. c) I have got wavy hair. d) She has got straight hair. e) I have got curly hair. 2) Dziewczyna ma piegi. a) She has got braids. b) The girl has got freckles. c) The girl have got freckles. d) I have got freckles. 3) Czy Ty masz długie włosy? a) Yes, I have. b) Has she got long hair? c) Have you got long hair? d) No, I haven't. 4) Nie, nie mam. a) No, I has. b) Yes, I have. c) No, I haven't. d) I haven't. 5) Czy Ty masz krótkie włosy? a) The girl has got freckles. b) No, I haven't. c) Have you got short hair? d) Has you got short hair? 6) Tak, mam. a) No, I haven't. b) Yes, she has. c) Yes, I have. 7) Ja nie mam siwych włosy. a) A boy has got grey hair. b) I has got grey hair. c) I have got grey hair. d) I haven't got grey hair. 8) Czy on ma niebieskie oczy? a) Have you got blue eyes? b) He has got blue eyes. c) Has he got blue eyes? d) I haven't got blue eyes. 9) Nie, on nie ma. a) No, I haven't. b) Yes, he has. c) No, he hasn't. 10) Tommy ma proste włosy. a) Tommy has got long hair. b) Tommy hasn't got straight hair. c) I have got straight hair. d) Tommy has got straight hair. 11) Aga nie ma rudych włosów. a) I haven't got red hair. b) She has got red hair. c) Aga has got long hair. d) Aga hasn't got red hair.

Has got/ have got tłumaczenia





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