1) Your child is only 5, he is not old ______to go to school. a) too b) enough 2) These shoes are ______big for me. a) too b) enough 3) There wasn't _______ room for everybody. a) too b) enough 4) The car wasn't big _______. a) too b) enough 5) He isn't experienced ________ to have a job. a) too b) enough 6) I am afraid he is _________ old to drive a car.  a) too b) enough 7) Do we have ______money to take a taxi? a) too b) enough 8) The soup was ______ salty for me to eat it. a) too b) enough 9) The water is ______ cold for us to swim. a) too b) enough 10) The text was easy ______to understand it.  a) too b) enough 11) Don't buy this blouse. You have ______ blouses at home. a) too b) enough 12) You are very thin. You don't eat _____. a) too b) enough 13) The radio is ________ loud. Turn it down, please. a) too b) enough 14) Peter is strong ____ to carry all these bags. a) too b) enough 15) This jacket is _______expensive to buy. a) too b) enough 16) It's ________ late to go to the cinema. a) too b) enough 17) She spoke ____ fast to understand anything. a) too b) enough 18) She is driving fast _____ a) too b) enough 19) The food was _____hot to eat.  a) too b) enough 20) Don't buy this jacket. It's old-fashioned _______ a) too b) enough

Choose "too" or "enough"





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