Would you rather play hide and seek or dodgeball?, Have a magic carpet that flies or your own personal robot?, Be a famous singer or a famous actor?, Be able to control the weather or have the ability to talk to animals?, Would you rather be invisible or able to fly?, Would you rather go to the zoo or an aquarium?, Would you rather have hamburgers or hotdogs?, Would you rather have french fries or chocolate cake?, Would you rather go fishing or hiking?, Would you rather eat cake or icecream?, Would you rather have super speed or super strength?, Would you rather never have homework again or never take a test again?, Would you rather eat chicken-flavored cookies or onion-flavored ice cream?, Would you rather live in a tree house for the rest of your life or live on a boat house for the rest of your life?, Would you rather have a new candy named after you or a newly discovered animal named after you?.






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