What is the topic of your project? Why did you choose this topic? Give two most interesting facts from your project. Why do you think so?, Who did you work with? If you do the project again, what will you do differently? Explain., Do you prefer to work alone or with a partner? Explain. What skills did you need for the project? Explain., Describe the procedure of working on the project. What part was the easiest ? What was the most difficult part? Give examples., What interested you about the topic? What interesting facts did you find out? What else would you like to learn about the topic? Explain, What did you enjoy about doing the project? Explain. How did the project help you understand the subject? Give examples., What sources of information did you use? What skills did you need for the project?How did the project influence your English? Give examples., What is the most interesting thing you learn from your project. Would you recommend the topic to others? Explain why or why not, Tell me briefly about the project and what you were hoping to learn from it. What fact or facts were most unexpected for you? Explain why and give examples., What were the most interesting facts you found out during you work on the project? How can you use the information you found? Explain.

COBE: Project






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