filter - allow liquid or small grains to pass through, Homogeneous - An evenly mixed substance that cannot be be easily separated into its original properties., Heterogeneous - an unevenly mixed substance that can be easily separated into its parts that retain their original properties., Solvent - a substance in which another substance is dissolved, or spread homogeneously, Solubility - The ability of a solid to dissolve in a liquid, Solute - a substance that is dissolved, or spread homogeneously, in another substance, Concentration - a measurement of the amount of solute that is dissolced in a quantity of solvent, property - a physical or chemical characteristic of matter used to describe or identify a substance, Matter - Anything that has mass and takes up space, Atom - The smallest unit of matter that defines a chemical element; formed when two or more atoms join together chemically., Physical Property - A characteristic or feature of a substance that does not change chemical composition, such as mass, weight, hardness, temperature, size, magnetism, physical state, relative density, solubility, or ability to insulate or conduct heat or electricity., Mixture - A combination of two or more substances where each keeps its own properties and both can easily be separated in which no new matter is formed. , Molecule - The simplest unit of a chemical compound that can exit; formed when two or more atoms join chemically., Ingredients - the separate parts of a mixture, physical change - a change to matter in which no new kind of matter are formed (heating and cooling, melting and freezing), pure substance - a matter that is made of the same molecules (one material like copper)., dissolve - to spread out evenly in a liquid, evaporation - the changing of a liquid to a gas, magnetism - a force that pulls (attracts) magnetic materials across a distance (magnets), solution - a liquid mixture where one substance is mixed evenly throughout another substance,

Mixtures & Solutions Matching






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