1) What is the best, worst, or funniest job you have ever had? 2) What is the most beautiful sound in the world? 3) What is the strangest food you have ever tried? 4) How will you spend your time at the next travel location on your bucket list? 5) What has been the highlight of your week so far? 6) What is one of your favorite topics of conversation? 7) What is something funny that has happend to you? 8) What is something that amazes you? 9) What is the strangest thing you used to believe as a child? 10) Which book in your shelf is asking to be read? 11) What has made you smile in the last two weeks? 12) What is one of the most meaningful affirmations you have received? 13) How would you like to be remembered? 14) What is something you do differently than most people? 15) What are your hopes for what the future holds for you? 16) What has been your greatest accomplishment so far? 17) What is a talent or skill you have always wanted? And why? 18) What is a goal you plan on accomplishing this year? 19) What is difficult for you now, but was easy as a child? 20) What is something that you are passion about at this moment in life? 21) What is something you would like to do more often? 22) What is something that you have a lot of knowledge about? 23) What is the strangest thing you have experienced but you rarely share? 24) What is something that makes you different to most of people? 25) How did you learn your most important lesson in life? 26) What is an idea you strongly belive in? 27) What are you grateful for? 28) What is one thing or situation that scares you? 29) What is one thing you want to accomplish in your lifetime? 30) What is one moment in time you will never forget? 31) What is something people are surprised to learn about you? 32) What is one thing life is teaching you right now? 33) If you could give a piece of advice to a large group of people, what would your advice be? 34) What is a topic that you think is not mentioned enough? 35) If you only had 10 more years to live, what would you change about your life today? 36) What would you do differently if you know nobody would judge you?







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