1) How many days are there of Chanukah? a) 6 b) 8 2) How many branches are there on the menorah? (with the shamash- lighting candle) a) 9 b) 10 3) Who were the maccabees? a) A jewish army that won the greeks b) A footy team 4) What did the Greeks do to the Bet Hamikdash? a) clean it for shabbat b) they destroyed it, smashed everything and offered a pig on the altar 5) What did the Maccabees find in the Bet Hamikdash? a) a huge spider b) One tiny jug of oil 6) What blessing do we say when we light the menorah? a) Lehadlik ner chanukah b) hamotzie lechem min haaretz 7) The oil was only enough for one day, what miracle happened? a) It stayed lit for 8 days! b) it turned into a magic potion! 8) What laws did Antiochus decree? Select all that apply a) No Kosher b) No shabbat c) No brit mila d) No Iphones 9) Where did the Jews hide to learn torah and what did they play to hide they were studying? a) they hid in school playing 4 square b) they hid in caves playing dreidel 10) What foods do we eat on Chanukah? a) Donuts b) Chocolate coins c) Latkes d) Sushi

Chanukah 22






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