Pangaea - name given to a supercontinent that began to break apart approximately 200 million years ago., seafloor spreading - the process by which new oceanic crust forms along a mid-ocean ridge and older oceanic crust moves away from the ridge., convergent boundary - the boundary between two plates that move toward each other., fault - a crack or a fracture in Earth’s lithosphere along which movement occurs., divergent boundary - the boundary between two plates that move away from each other., mid-ocean ridge - long, narrow mountain range on the ocean floor; formed by magma at divergent plate boundaries., subduction - the process that occurs when one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate., tsunami - a wave that forms when an ocean disturbance suddenly moves a large volume of water., landslide - rapid, downhill movement of soil, loose rocks, and boulders., superposition - the principle that in undisturbed rock layers, the oldest rocks are on the bottom., cross-cutting relationships - the principle that if one geologic feature cuts across another feature, the feature that it cuts across is older., mass extinctions - the extinction of many species on Earth within a short period of time., absolute age - the numerical age, in years, of a rock or object., relative age - the age of rocks and geologic features compared with other nearby rocks and features., index fossils - a fossil representative of a species that existed on Earth for a short length of time, was abundant, and inhabited many locations., geologic time scale - a chart that divides Earth’s history into different time units based on changes in the rocks and fossils, transform boundary - the boundary between two plates that slide past each other., natural resource - part of the environment that supplies material useful or necessary for the survival of living things., aquifer - an area of permeable sediment or rock that holds significant amounts of water., acid precipitation - precipitation that has a lower pH than that of normal rainwater., deforestation - the removal of large areas of forests for human purposes., extrusive rock - igneous rock that forms when volcanic material erupts, cools, and crystallizes on Earth’s surface., erosion - the moving of weathered material, or sediment, from one location to another., intrusive rock - igneous rock that forms as magma cools underground., deposition - the laying down or settling of eroded material, weathering - the mechanical and chemical processes that change Earth’s surface over time., rock cycle - the series of processes that change one type of rock into another type of rock.,

Earth Science






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