1) What is the livestock unit for a sheep? a) 1.0 b) 0.15 c) 0.6 2) Which of these grazing systems is not rotational? a) Paddock b) Block grazing c) Set stocking 3) How long does the regrowth of grass usually take in a rotational grazing system? a) 21 days b) 17 days c) 30 days 4) Which of the following does not match to paddock grazing? a) 20-30 paddocks b) Permanent water supply c) Moveable fencing 5) Which of the following is an advantage to paddock grazing? a) Expensive to set up b) No grass is wasted c) Can be difficult to cut for silage 6) Why is a back fence used in strip grazing? a) The animals don't get bad grass b) The land isn't poached by the animals c) So the animals don't break out 7) The animals are housed all year round in - a) Leader-follower grazing b) Strip grazing c) Zero grazing 8) Younger animals can go back to their mothers in a) Leader follower grazing b) creep grazing 9) Leader - follower grazing is suited to what enterprise? a) Dairy b) Suckler beef c) Sheep 10) What is topping? a) Mowing grass to 7-9cm b) Mowing grass to 5-7cm c) Mowing grass to 3-5cm 11) What is tillering? a) Leaves dying on the stem b) Side shoots growing from the stem  c) Roots growing from the stem 12) Extended grazing means animals graze during the a) Summer b) Winter c) Spring 13) Mixed grazing is usually when a) Cows & sheep graze together b) Cows & pigs graze together c) Sheep & pigs graze together 14) Name a disadvantage of set stocking? a) Grass is not used efficiently b) It's cheap c) Less labour required 15) Why is soil testing carried out? a) To check if the grass is healthy b) To check what fertilisers are needed c) To check what animals can graze the land

Grazing methods & grassland management





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