1) level of the signal entering the channel a) Gain Control b) Channel Input c) Aux Sends 2) offer a wide range of control capabilities. a) Digital mixers b) Analog mixers c) Powered Mixer 3) great for live sound, and often for recording as well. a) Analog mixer b) Digital Mixer c) Powered mixer 4) Are compact, portable and easy to set up a) Powered mixer b) Digital Mixer c) Analog mixer 5) control the level of the auxiliary output to other devices s a) Aux Send b) Effect Send c) Pan Contro 6) is the process by which multiple sounds are combined into one or more channel a) Audio Mixing b) Music c) Sound 7) controls the level of any connected effect devices. a) Effect Send b) Pan Control c) Gain Control 8) sets the left/right position of the channel in the stereo field. a) Pan control b) Gain Control c) Effect send 9) channel mute button silences the output of that particular channel when pressed. a) Mute/Solo b) Channel Inputs c) Gain Control 10) features either a mono or stereo input for connecting audio devices. a) Channel Inputs b) Gain Control c) Pan control 11) visual representation of the channel output level a) Channel Meter b) Channel Inputs c) Pan control 12) It is true that there is 4 types of mixer? a) No, it's 3 type only b) Yes, It's 4 types 13) also known as a mixing board a) Sound mixer b) Audio Mixing 14) controls are used to cut or boost the bass, minds, and treble frequencies. a) Equalization Controls b) Aux Send c) Pan Control 15) function is to listen to the channel's audio at a point before the fader takes effect. a) PLF b) Equalization Controls c) Pan Control







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