Hi Lucy,How are you? Have you ____ a good summer holiday? I've ____ got back from a car trip across the Midwest of America. Have you ever ____ to Arizona or Utah? The landscape is amazing! I've ____ been on such a long car journey – we drove over two thousand miles! We visited lots of national parks and stayed at campsites. It was the first time Joe had been camping, but I told him it's fun to do things you've never done ____ I took tons of pictures and I've ____ put them onto my webpage. I'm a bit tired right now and I haven't recovered from jetlag ____, but let's meet up next week and I can tell you all about it. ____ you ____ from Jody recently? ____ she ____ her email address? Maybe she can meet up with us? Write soon, Bella

Present perfect: Fill in the gaps with the corresponding word






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