1) The yellow cat did nap on the cot. a) Predicate: The yellow cat b) Predicate: did nap c) Predicate: did nap on the cot 2) The mad dog did nip the vet. a) Predicate: did nip the vet b) Predicate: nip the vet c) Predicate: The mad dog 3) Bob got a mop and a pot. a) Predicate: Bob b) Predicate: got a mop c) Predicate: got a mop and a pot 4) The glad pup did wag his tail. a) Predicate:  did wag his tail b) Predicate: his tail c) Predicate: The glad pup 5) The silly man ran to the shop. a) Predicate: The silly man b) Predicate: to the shop c) Predicate: ran to the shop 6) The quick red fox got on top of the pen. a) Predicate: on top of the pen b) Predicate: The quick red fox c) Predicate: got on top of the pen 7) Jill fell in a rut on the path a) Predicate: Jill fell b) Predicate: fell in a rut on the path c) Predicate: fell in a rut 8) The good cop did rush to help the child. a) Predicate: did rush to help the child b) Predicate: help the child c) Predicate: The good cop 9) The wolf did huff and puff. a) Predicate: The wolf b) Predicate: huff and puff c) Predicate: did huff and puff 10) Toss the ball to Kim. a) Predicate: Toss the ball to Kim b) Predicate: the ball to Kim c) Predicate:  Kim 11) The mop fell in the mud. a) Predicate: fell in the mud b) Predicate: in the mud c) Predicate: The mop fell 12) Rick and Ted did pass the quiz. a) Predicate: Rick and Ted b) Predicate: the quiz c) Predicate: did pass the quiz 13) Jeff did not yell at the tot. a) Predicate: Jeff b) Predicate: did not yell at the tot c) Predicate: yell at the tot 14) Sal got Liz a chess set. a) Predicate: a chess set b) Predicate: got Liz a chess set c) Predicate: Sal got Liz 15) His pal, Sid, fell in the hall. a) Predicate: fell in the hall b) Predicate: in the hall c) Predicate: His pal, Sid

What's the Predicate (Telling Part)?






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