How are you? - I'm fine, thank you., What is your favourite subject? - Oh, I love History. I really like learning about castles and pyramids., What is the number one subject in your class? - Everyone loves P.E. It's their favourite subject., Do you like playing football? - No, I really don't like it. I like playing basketball., When do you have to do your homework? - I have to do it after I have my lunch, before I watch TV., How many times do you have English class? - Two times a week. I have it on Tuesday and Thursday., Is Science popular in your class? - No, not many people like it. They think doing experiments and learning about plants is difficult., Do you have English today? - Yes, I do. I have it at half past six., What do you like about learning Maths? - I really like learning about numbers.,

Subjects Match Up






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