1) Russia _________ one of the largest countries in the world. a) is b) are c) am 2) French wine _________ very tasty. a) is b) iss c) are d) am 3) The children _________ in the garden. a) am b) are c) is 4) The President of the United States _________ an important person. a) is b) are c) am d) iss 5) I think Arabic _________ a complicated language. a) are b) is c) iss d) am 6) I _________ sure your friend is coming to the party. a) am b) aren c) are d) is 7) I _____ a professional gamer. a) am no b) she is not c) am not d) I am not 8) She _____ friend Andrea. a) are b) are not c) is d) is my e) iss 9) She ____ here at the moment a) is not b) is no c) isn´ d) are e) are not 10) ______ are not lawyers. a) is b) They c) she d) am e) I f) He

Verb to be (Practice)






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