1) ...... you sisters? a) Are b) Is 2) ...... this your car? a) Are b) Is 3) ...... I in your way? a) Am b) Is 4) ...... they brothers? a) Am b) Are 5) ...... she his brother? a) Is b) Are 6) ...... you twenty-four years old? a) Am b) Are 7) ...... this your new bicycle? a) Is b) Are 8) ...... you cold? a) Is b) Are 9) ...... this your book? a) Is b) Am 10) ...... I right? a) Are b) Am 11) ...... your name Sara? a) Is b) Are 12) ...... you Mrs. Jenkins? a) Is b) Are 13) ...... he tall? a) Is b) Are 14) ...... you at school? a) Is b) Are 15) ...... they from England? a) Are b) Is 16) ...... she from France? a) Am b) Is 17) ...... you from Spain? a) Are b) Is 18) ...... you ready? a) Am b) Are 19) ...... she a teacher? a) Is b) Are 20) ...... they teachers? a) Is b) Are

Present Simple | To Be | Pytania "Czy" | "Yes-No" Questions





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