Why is there so much shame surrounding this issue?, men have difficulty accepting that they have a problem, in the first place, the trick is to accept each treat that is offered, you'll be suspect, your plan will fail, the rule I keep to, to avoid people asking awkward questions, it seems that too much shame still exists around weight, a good proportion of people, at any one time, this issue affects men and women in different ways, men are unwilling to say they are on a diet, involves admitting they have a problem in the first place, there might be more willingness among younger men, it's still considered acceptable, take the piss out of somebody, a part of office banter, it's equally upsetting, shift a good few stone, feel proud of your achievement, make it sound simpler and more sensible, cut out a certain food, tell the whole truth, actually, in fact, portray it like a DIY problem, there are mixed outlooks on whether, support from family and friends, divulge your diet to someone, respond with fat jibes, prompt a sorry descent into comfort eating, we all just need to grow up, it's not an uncommon problem, it shouldn't be an unspeakable problem,

Why are so many men secret dieters?





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