1) Children enjoy a) to get presents. b) getting presents. c) get presents. 2) If you are ill you need a) to sleep a lot. b) sleeping a lot. c) sleep a lot. 3) I don´t mind a) ironing. b) to iron. c) iron. 4) Call me when you finish a) do your homework. b) doing your homework. c) to do your homework. 5) I started a) to draw last year. b) draw last year. c) drawing last year. 6) I love a) travel. b) to travel. c) travelling. 7) We want a) go to Kenya. b) going to Kenya. c) to go to Kenya. 8) I want a) to stop smoking. b) stopping smoking. c) stop smoking. 9) I promised a) to take my girlfriend to Tuscany. b) to taking my girlfriend to Tuscany. c) taking my girlfriend to Tuscany. 10) I forgot a) to do my homework. b) to doing my homework c) doing my homework. 11) Can you imagine a) have 1 million dollars? b) having 1 million dollars? c) to have 1 million dollars? 12) I would like a) have a cat. b) having a cat. c) to have a cat. 13) I agreed a) to help him. b) to helping him. c) helping him.

Project 4 - Unit 4A Verb patterns






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