What did you do last weekend with your family?, What was the boredest activity you did on vacation?, Tell us about the last time you were really scard. , Tell us about something intersting you did last week. , Who was a close friends when you were younger? How was he/she?, Did you watch Tv yesterday? ¿What did you watch? What was it about?, What did you eat for you last meal?, When was the las time you laughed a lot ? why?, What places did you visit on vacation? What did you do there? , what did you eat for the last breakfast?, What did you do last saturday? , What did you do for your last birthday?, What was the last homework you did?, what was tha last movie you watched at the cinema? What was it about ?, Did you practice any sport las week? What sport did you practice and where?, How was your last story on Instagram? What was it about? , When was the last time you meet a close relative? Where did you meet? , Which was your favorite tv program whe you were a little child? What was it about?.

Past simple questions.






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