decilitre - One deci... is equal to one tenth of a litre., decimal - Deci... fractions are numbers such as 0,4., dioxide - Di... is a chemical substance containing two atoms of oxygen combined with one atom of another element., millipede - A milli... is a long small creature, whose body consists of many segments bearing two pairs of legs each., millisecond - It is one thousandth of a second., pentagon - It is a shape with five straight sides and five angles., quadrangle - It is a square courtyard enclosed by buildings or a flat shape with four straight sides., semicircle - It is a half of a circle., omnivore - It is an animal that eats both plants and meat., monorail - It is a railway system in which the track consists of a single rail., quadruped - Any animal that has four legs is a quad....,

Matura. Number prefixes - 2 (Science, maths).





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