Your first name is bigger than your last name - your private self is more important, Your last name is bigger than your first name - your public self is more important, Your whole signature is big - you are probably quite self­-confident, You sign in capital letters - you may be big-headed or even arrogant, Your signature is small - you may be insecure and have low self-esteem, Your signature is legible - you have clear ideas and objectives, Your signature is illegible - you don't think clearly. You may be disorganized and indecisive. You may also be quite secretive., The more illegible your signature is... - the less assertive you are., A rising signature - you work hard to overcome problems. You are determined, optimistic, and ambitious, A descending signature - you get depressed when you have problems. You are not very self-confident., A horizontal signature - you are well-balanced, emotionally stable, and generally satisfied with life, The angle of a signature may change depending on... - how you are feeling.,

What's in your signature







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