I am ____ to have such a loving family. Will saw a ____ puppy wandering around town. Carla, you look ____ in that dress. The squirrels in the backyard are ____. Did you see the ____ rainbow in the sky? This broken toy is a ____ piece of junk. The baby ____ all night. Hannah ____ the math problem from the whiteboard. Dad ____ an egg and ate it for breakfast. The black dog ____ her bone in the garden. We all ____ for our spelling test. Sam ____ to fix her computer. Grady likes to draw and paint pictures. He is an ____. Sara travels around the world. She is a world ____. Brayden won the contest. He is the ____. Michael is a movie star. He is an ____. Arianna is always enjoying novels. She is an avid ____. Ivy just got a license to operate a car. She is a safe ____. Dr. Possel studies science. He is a ____. Ms. Cadbury arranges flowers for a living. She is a ____. David plays the piano. He is a ____. The captain of the ship is a highly trained ____. The ____ of the flight was inconvenient for the family. The ____ of the company cost billions of dollars. The ____ of society is important. Animal ____ is extremely important, especially of endanged species. The art of ____ is requires patience and commitment. In elementary school, young students learn ____ and addition. His ____ was made a long time ago. Do you have a ____ for the meeting?

2. Suffixes: -ful, -less, -er, -ir, -ist, -tion, -sion, -or






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