1) To think carefully and judge it.  a) impact b) convenient c) hydrated d) disposable e) assess f) intensive 2) When something or someone is taken from one place to another. a) intensive b) hydrated c) transported d) impact e) disposable f) convenient 3) To use a lot of effort to complete a task. a) hydrated b) assess c) disposable d) intensive e) transported f) impact 4) Something that is meant to be thrown away once it has been used. a) disposable b) convenient c) intensive d) transported e) hydrated f) impact 5) Something or someone who has taken in plenty of water. a) impact b) transported c) assess d) intensive e) assess f) hydrated 6) The effect that one thing has on something else. a) convenient b) impact c) disposable d) assess e) intensive f) hydrated 7) Something that is handy and useful. a) hydrated b) disposable c) intensive d) convenient e) assess f) impact

"Eco-Friendly Food" Vocabulary






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