1) chéng shì - city a) 农村 b) 城市 c) 昨天 2) nóng cūn - countryside a) 农村 b) 城市 c) 天气 3) shēnghuó - life, livelihood (n) a) 方式 b) 天气 c) 生活 4) tiáo - measure word for pants and long, thin objects a) 条 b) 跳 c) 挑 5) yang - to raise; to keep (as a pet) a) 羊 b) 样 c) 养 6) chǒngwù - pet a) 宠物 b) 动物 c) 食物 7) tǎo yàn - nasty, to dislike a) 讨厌 b) 喜欢 c) 宠物 8) gèng - even more a) 更 b) 便 c) 跟 9) dòngwù - animal a) 动物 b) 宠物 c) 食物 10) zhe ge cun - this village a) 这个村 b) 那个村 c) 哪个村 11) huì - can, to be able to/will/party;gathering a) 回 b) 会 c) 来 12) hěn lěng - very cold a) 很气 b) 很冷 c) 很热 13) gēn.....yì qǐ - together.... with a) 跟...一起... b) 更...一起... c) 来...一起... 14) de shí hòu- When...,during a) 有时候 b) 小时候 c) 的时候 15) suī rán - although a) 虽然 b) 但是 c) 然后 16) (yòu...yòu...) both...and...(reduplicated; with verbs and adjectives/to describe 2 adjectives at the same time)) a) 跟...跟... b) 又...又... c) 来...来... 17) 她又友好又漂亮 a) she is friendly and beautiful b) he is friendly and beautiful 18) 虽然农村的天气很冷,但是我很喜欢。 a) Although the weather in the city is hot, but I like it. b) Although the weather in the village is cold, but I like it c) Although the weather in the village is hot, but I like it 19) 我小的时候喜欢足球, 但是现在我不喜欢。 a) When I was little I like soccer, but I don''t like it now. b) When I was little I like tennis, but I don't like it now. 20) 妈妈跟妹妹一起去中国旅游。 a) Mum and little sister go to China because it's fun b) Mum and little sister traveling to China together 21) 我讨厌动物, 所以我没有宠物。 a) I love animal, therefore I have lots of pet. b) I dislike animal, therefore I don't have pet. 22) 她养了几条金鱼 a) She has raised a few gold fish b) She has raised a few dog. 23) 这个村冬天的时候常常下雨。 a) This village often rain in winter.  b) this village often hot in the summer. 24) 我讨厌城市的生活。 a) I dislike the city's life b) I dislike the village's life 25) 我讨厌农村的生活。 a) I dislike the village's life b) I dislike the city's life

9 T3 - Quiz 1 pinyin(Week 1)






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