Billy struggles to remember how he knows the names of the two former guests written in the guestbook., Billy's mind is becoming foggy as he struggles to make sense of the situation., Billy thinks the tea tastes faintly of bitter almonds., Billy Weaver is a businessman looking for a place to spend the night in Bath when a Bed and Breakfast suddenly compels hi to stay there., The landlady tells Billy, "I stuff all my little pets when they pass away.", Billy enters the Bed and Breakfast and decides to spend the night., The landlady reveals that she knows quite a bit about her former tenants' physical appearances / bodies., Billy learns that he's the only guest she's had in the last two or three years., The landlady shows him to his room and invites him down to sign the guestbook., The reader is left to assume that Billy will soon die from the poison in the tea he drank, and the landlady will stuff him like her other pets., Billy chats and enjoys tea and biscuits with the landlady. He continues to struggle to remember the two names in the guestbook..

Per. 1 Plot "The Landlady" by Roald Dahl






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