Voting is a ____ democratic process that allows ____ citizens to choose their ____ and express their preferences on various issues. In Hungary, voting follows a specific procedure. Here's an overview of how voting works in Hungary: Eligibility: To participate in elections, individuals must meet certain eligibility ____, including being at least 18 years old, a Hungarian ____, and registered on the electoral roll. Election Types: Hungary holds different types of elections, including ____ elections, local ____ elections, and European Parliament elections. Each election has its own specific procedures and ____. Electoral System: Hungary uses a mixed ____ system for parliamentary elections. The country is divided into constituencies, and voters cast their ballots for both ____ candidates in their constituency and political parties on a ____ level. Voter Registration: To vote in Hungary, individuals must be ____ on the electoral roll. The registration process involves providing personal information and ____ the necessary documents to the local government office. Registration must be done in ____ of the election. Election Day: On the ____ election day, ____ stations open from early morning until evening. Voters are assigned a specific polling station based on their registered address. Ballot Casting: When arriving at the polling station, voters present their ____ documents to the election officials. They receive the necessary ____ for both the individual candidate and the political party. Voters mark their choices ____ on the ballots. Vote Counting: Once the voting period ends, the ballots are ____, and the vote counting process begins. The counting is ____ by election officials and overseen by observers to ensure ____ and accuracy. Election Results: After the vote counting is complete, the results are ____. The individual candidates who received the highest number of votes in their respective constituencies ____ seats in the parliament. The ____ of additional seats to parties is determined based on the ____ party vote share.

Voting C1






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