1) Which character do we meet first in the play? a) Macbeth b) Lady Macbeth c) Banquo d) The Witches e) Duncan 2) How many men reign as King of Scotland throughout the play? a) 2 b) 1 c) 4 d) 3 e) 0 3) How does Lady Macbeth find out about the witches prophesy? a) Letter b) Messenger c) Dream d) From Banquo e) From Lady Macduff 4) Who do Macbeth and Lady Macbeth blame for Duncan's murder? a) His sons: Malcolm and Donalbain b) The guards c) Themselves d) Macduff e) The witches 5) Which of these titles does Macbeth hold at some point in the play? a) Thane of Glamis b) Thane of Cawdor c) King of Scotland d) Thane of Cawdor and King e) Thane of Glamis and King f) All of them 6) Macbeth is responsible for the deaths in the play. Can you name all the characters who die? a) Duncan and Lady Macduff b) Duncan, Lady Macduff and her children c) Duncan and Banquo d) Duncan, Banquo and Fleance e) Banquo and Lady Macduff f) Duncan, Banquo, Lady Macduff and her children 7) How does Lady Macbeth die? a) She commits suicide b) Macbeth kills her c) Macduff kills her d) Duncan's sons e) Accident 8) Macbeth is told only someone not born of a woman can kill him. Who kills him? a) Macduff b) Malcolm c) Donalbain d) Lady Macbeth e) Banquo 9) Whose ghost appears at Macbeth's banquet? a) Fleance b) Duncan c) Banquo d) Lady Macduff e) Lady Macbeth 10) Who flees to England to join Malcolm? a) Macbeth b) Donalbain c) Banquo d) Macduff e) Lady Macduff 11) Who is beheaded at the end of the play? a) Malcolm b) Donalbain c) Macbeth d) Macduff e) Lady Macbeth

Macbeth Plot Quiz






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