Renewable energy has been a hot topic for decades now. With the world facing climate change and the ____ of non-renewable resources, finding alternative sources of energy has become more important than ever before. In recent years, renewable energy has seen ____ growth, with an ____ increase in investment and ____ of solar, wind and hydro power plants. The renewable energy industry is ____ competitive, with many companies ____ for a share of the market. This competition has led to ____ innovations that have ____ the way we think about energy. The ____ of fossil fuels is slowly coming to an end, and renewable energy is taking its ____. However, there are still challenges that need to be ____. ____ plays a significant role in the development of renewable energy. Countries with ____ natural resources such as wind and sunlight are leading the way in renewable energy production. Other countries are ____ to keep up due ____ lack of resources or ____. ____ these challenges, there has been ____ in the renewable energy sector. A ____ is occurring, where people are becoming more aware of the impact they have on the environment and are willing to make changes in their daily lives to reduce their ____. This shift is ____ demand for renewable energy, which is only ____ to increase in the coming years. ____ is also becoming increasingly important in the renewable energy industry. ____ want to know where their energy is coming from and how it is being produced. They want to support companies that are committed to ____ and reducing their environmental ____. In conclusion, renewable energy is the future. It is ____, sustainable and has the potential to ____ our energy systems. However, there are still challenges to ____, including geopolitical issues and the need for ____ development. As consumers, we can all play a part in supporting the growth of renewable energy by making a ____ effort to reduce our energy consumption and ____ companies committed to sustainability.

Theodore P._ Tuesday 20/06/23 [Renewable energy+words from today's session]






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