ACTUALLY - in fact, really, ON AVERAGE - the result you get by adding 2 or more amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amounts, CERTAINLY - surely, absolutely, exactly, without doubt, a SUBMARINE - a ship that can travel under water, DEMANDING - needing or requiring a lot of time, attention or energy , QUALITY - how good or bad something is, AFFECT something - to have an influence on somebody or something; to cause a change in somebody or something, IMAGINATIVE - good at thinking of new, original ideas, RUN OUT of something - to finish, sell or use all of something, so that there is none left, an INGREDIENT - a food which is used with other foods in the preparation of a particular dish; one of the parts of something, WEAKNESS - the fact or state of not being strong or powerful , ACCESS to something - the opportunity or ability to use something, a DESK JOB - a job working in an office, SOPHISTICATED - deprived of simplicity, WELL-CONNECTED - having friends or family members who are important or powerful people, COMBINE something WITH something - to exist together, or join together to make a single thing or group, TIRING - making you feel tired, AVAILABLE - not busy and therefore able to do something; having enough time to do something, REWARDING - satisfying or beneficial; making you feel satisfied, ACHIEVE - to succeed in finishing something,







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