Lifelong learning is the process of ____ knowledge and skills throughout one's life, beyond formal education. It is a way to keep our minds ____ and engaged, and to continue growing as individuals. One way to approach lifelong learning is through ____ learning. This involves learning by doing, and it can be a powerful way to gain new ____ and skills. For example, going on a trip to a foreign country can provide a wealth of opportunities to learn about different cultures, languages, and customs. Similarly, trying out ____ sports can help us develop new physical abilities and ____ resilience. However, sometimes we can become ____ in our learning. We may feel like we have already learned everything we need to know, or that we are ____ and don't need to keep pushing ourselves. This complacency can interfere with our ____ to learn and grow. To avoid complacency, it's important to ____ with others who have different ____ and experiences. This can help us see things in a new light and ____ our assumptions. Additionally, seeking out mentors or coaches who can ____ and offer guidance can be ____. Another way to ____ our lifelong learning is through giving and receiving ____. When we receive positive feedback, it can ____ our confidence and motivate us to continue learning. Likewise, when we compliment others on their achievements, it can create a ____ and encouraging environment for everyone involved. In summary, lifelong learning is an ____ part of personal growth and ____. By embracing experiential learning, avoiding complacency, interacting with others, and ____ and receiving compliments, we can continue to ____ with the flow of life and expand our knowledge and ____ throughout our lives.

Sophie A_vocabulary consolidation | 28/06/23






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