Are you sensitive to others? Do you notice if people’s eyes glaze over when you are taking to them? How do you deal with this?, Describe a time when you were so wrapped up in an activity that you lost track of time., Do you know anyone who seems to think they are above everyone else? How do you handle it?, How can we stop people going down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories on the internet?, How comfortable are you with disclosing personal information to others? Are there any topics you prefer to keep private?, Do you find that compliments boost your confidence, or do you get embarrassed?, How do you respond when you receive unsolicited advice or suggestions from others?, In an argument, do you quickly wave the white flag, or do you prefer to keep going until you win?, Is there anything in life that you simply don't give a stuff about these days? Why?, Is there something you simply loathe doing but find necessary in your daily life?, Question for parents: do you find it easy to maintain your dignity with your children?, What are factors that can enhance your language learning experience?, What is the best way to handle the situation when someone's conversation is boring you to tears?, How can companies best engage their employees in their work?, When facing a challenging decision, do you explore multiple avenues, or do you quickly make up your mind to take one course of action?,

Conversation: Perfecting the art of small talk







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