1) 83. What type of event is taking place? a) (A) An awards show  b) (B) An opening ceremony c) (C) A community festival d) (D) A sports competition 2) 84. What is mentioned about Porval? a) (A) It can be produced quickly.  b) (B) It is recommended by doctors. c) (C) Its manufacturing process is confidential. d) (D) It is created with advanced equipment. 3) 85. What will the listeners probably do next? a) (A) Pick up a brochure  b) (B) Set up some machines c) (C) Join a reception d) (D) Look around a facility 4) 86. Why will Haley Cobb receive an award?  a) (A) She cleaned up a public area in the city.  b) (B) She provides training to volunteers. c) (C) She helps people find housing. d) (D) She organized a fund-raising campaign. 5) 87. Why does the speaker say, "The results have been quite surprising"? a) (A) To praise the success of an organization  b) (B) To suggest that a government policy is popular c) (C) To emphasize the results of a study d) (D) To applaud the contribution of a large grant 6) 88. What will Ms. Cobb most likely do next? a) (A) Lead an exercise  b) (B) Show a video clip c) (C) name a recipient d) (D) give a speech 7) 89. What does the speaker say will happen next week? a) (A) A shop will close.  b) (B) A manager will visit. c) (C) Some clothes will be on sale. d) (D) A charity event will be held. 8) 90. What will be provided to some workers?  a) (A) A discount coupon  b) (B) Some extra pay c) (C) Some training manuals d) (D) Some free merchandise 9) 91. What did the speaker already do? a) (A) He responded to an e-mail.  b) (B) He posted a list. c) (C) He cleaned a break room. d) (D) He closed a storage space. 10) 92. What information did a friend tell the speaker about? a) (A) Available courses  b) (B) Membership fees c) (C) A facility's opening hours d) (D) An instructor's schedule 11) 93. What does the speaker mean when she says, "I've been doing yoga for six months"? a) (A) She needs advice about a technique.  b) (B) She is looking for a new hobby. c) (C) She is capable of teaching others. d) (D) She is uncertain which class to take. 12) 94. Why is the listener asked to contact the speaker?  a) (A) To confirm a payment  b) (B) To arrange a meeting c) (C) To get access to a building d) (D) To file a complaint 13) 95. What is mentioned about the Karma Birds? a) (A) They are performing for the first time at the event.  b) (B) They will be playing in the morning. c) (C) They declined to use one of the stages. d) (D) They are the most popular band. 14) 96. According to the speaker, what has been changed? a) (A) A performer  b) (B) A location c) (C) A start time d) (D) An entrance fee 15) 97. Look at the graphic. Which day is the event being held? a) (A) Thursday  b) (B) Friday c) (C) Saturday d) (D) Sunday 16) 98. What does the speaker say about Fairwood Park?  a) (A) It is near a major city.  b) (B) It is promoting a restoration project. c) (C) It relies on volunteers. d) (D) It has many uncommon animals. 17) 99. Look at the graphic. What is the easiest route? a) (A) Stonehill Route  b) (B) Cranberry Route c) (C) South Bend Route d) (D) Waterway Route 18) 100. According to the speaker, what should the listeners do? a) (A) Drink a lot of water  b) (B) Wear a uniform c) (C) Download an application d) (D) Pack a lunch

第五回81-100 (綠本 國際學村)






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