True (studies show, in countries like Japan and Scotland, the street lights switch to blue at night. It had reduced the crime and suicide rates), True (when the temperature is 0.01 degree Celsius), True (the Sun and the Earth are at a distance of 150 million km. Because light travels 300,000 km/second, it takes only 8 minutes and 19 seconds to travel from the Sun to the Earth), True (every 15 seconds our body produces cells even more than the total population in the United States), True (the oil extract of peanuts can be processed into glycerol. That, in turn, can be made to nitroglycerin, an important component of dynamite), False (the penny will reach a top speed of between 30 and 50 miles an hour, depending on which way the wind is blowing), False. Sirius is much more brilliant. Sirius is close to Orion’s belt and is best seen during the winter in the sky’s southern part, False. It will pass as all other food, False. It can only help alleviate the duration of the symptoms, False. Bats see in black and white and can see better at night than we can. They lack color receptors,

Science or myth?







自動保存: を復元しますか?