Exclusion - The act of intentionally leaving out a person from an online group. This can happen over social media, gaming and instant messaging groups. As well as this, it is also common for the group to then move onto harassing the left out individual, Cyber Harassment - The inappropriate act of causing personal conflict and controversy online. This type of cyberbullying is usual done on social media where the perpetrator can be seen but their identity is usually hidden using a fake account. In the early days of the Internet, it was labelled as ‘Flaming’., Outing - The public display or forwarding of personal information such as text messages, emails or photographs. The content is usually sensitive and often contains personal or sexual information. The intention is usually to seek revenge, humiliate or discredit the victim., Trickery - The act of deceiving someone into giving out personal information. The perpetrator usually spends time befriending the victim or leading them into a false sense of security in order to get the victims information and then using it against them., Trolling - The perpetrator will torment, annoy, control or manipulate someone online without a direct or implied threat of physical harm. It is usually sexual, emotional or social in its content and the intention is to exert power and control over the targeted victim(s).,

The Different Types of Cyberbullying






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