Correct: Olaf is excited about the holidays., Kristoff brings a new bell. , Olaf hits every house in the kingdom., Olaf melts in sauna., Olaf saves only a fruitcake after the fire., Hawk takes his fruitcake., Elsa'a old trunk is full of gloves., Long time ago Elsa made Olaf to play with Anna., Kristoff's tradition is cooking troll's stew. , In the end all the people in the kingdom celebrate Christmas together., Incorrect: Elsa and Anna don't have a bell to ring., Elsa and Anna want to visit every house in the kingdom to celebrate the holiday., People don't tell Olaf about their family traditions., Olaf makes a fire in the woods. , Wolves eat Olaf's fruitcake. , Sven comes back to the castle to eat some stew. , Anna finds her gloves in her trunk., No one wants to look for Olaf in the woods., Elsa takes the fruitcake and goes back to the castle., People are angry because they have to celebrate Christmas all together. ,

Olaf's Frozen Adventure






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