Who was Thomas Becket? - He was the archbishop of Canterbury. He strongly opposed the Constitutions of Clarendon which restricted the power of the church and its members. He was stabbed by 4 knights and was made a martyr and saint by the Roman Catholic Church., What were the Constitutions of Clarendon about? - 16 articles that were written under the reign of Henry II. They were designed to restrict ecclesiastical privileges., What is the connection between the clash and TCT? - TCT is set during a pilgrimage to the shrine of Thomas Becket who was killed by 4 knights as he had opposed the Constitutions of Clarendon which were issued by King Henry II. TCT take place during a pilgrimage to Canterbury., Mention 2 consequences of the Black Death. - There were 2 consequences: Social and Religious. It weakened the feudal system as there were less people to work the land. People's faith decreased as they though though had sent the plague which made disappear a thousand villages., What is feudalism? - The feudal system is a means of organizing English society around the ownership of land. At the top of this organization is the king, who owns everything, below him are the barons, the knights and finally the peasants. The peasants paid the knights with work and food that was extracted from the land they were given, the knights paid the barons with money and protection as they were supposed to fight for them, finally the barons paid the king with money and knights that could serve during war. Only god was above the king, and the representation of god on earth was the church, the head of the church was the pope., What is a couplet? - a pair of successive lines of verse, typically rhyming and of the same length., Why is Chaucer considered the father of English poetry? - Because he chose to write in Middle English, which was spoken by the common people, instead of writing in French (lg of the nobility) or Latin (lg of the church)., Which battle took place in 1066? What was this battle about? - Battle of Hastings, battle on October 14, 1066, that ended in the defeat of Harold II of England by William, duke of Normandy, and established the Normans as the rulers of England., What is the Magna Carta? - Also known as the 'Great Charter of Liberty' was a document signed in 1215 by King John of England that gave certain political and legal rights to some English People., How did language evolve after the arrival of the Normans? - After 1066, Old English was replaced by Anglo Norman (French) as the language of the nobility, Latin for the members of the church and Old English was left to the peasants. , What is the difference between Old English and Middle English? - Old English is the Anglo-Saxon language used from the 5th to 12th centuries; Middle English, used from the 12th to 15th, shows Norman influence and has more recognizable vocabulary to Modern English speakers., What members of the English society are portrayed in TCT? - It covers the middle strata of society, including some representatives of the feudal society and members of the clergy. Noblemen and peasants are both excluded., What is the connection between Chaucer, Boccaccio and Alighieri? - They wrote during the Middle Ages. Chaucer was inspired by the other two authors, as he borrowed the 'collection of tales' as a device and framework for TCT from Boccaccio. Both the Divina Commedia and TCT take place during pilgrimage. All 3 authors use the dialect of the common (vernacular lg).,

The Middle Ages







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