1) are individuals or groups who engage in deceptive and fraudulent activities with the intent to deceive and exploit others for personal gain. They often employ various schemes, such as online phishing, fake investment opportunities, or impersonation, to trick people into providing money, sensitive information, or valuable assets. 2) The act of .........................involves using deceitful methods or schemes to manipulate individuals into willingly parting with their money. This can occur through fraudulent transactions, false promises, or misleading information designed to exploit trust and vulnerability. 3) ...........refers to the process of tracking or investigating the origin, path, or development of something. In a general sense, it involves identifying and following the course or progress of an object, event, or activity. 4) Something that is ................... provides a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment, or positive outcomes. It often implies that the effort or action invested in a particular task or endeavor leads to a valuable or beneficial result, bringing a sense of accomplishment or joy. 5) A ............... is something that has a positive impact on one's emotional state, lifting spirits and enhancing overall well-being. It could be an activity, experience, or even a substance that induces feelings of happiness, relaxation, or contentment. 6) Feeling...................... refers to experiencing a state of satisfaction, fulfillment, and peace of mind. It suggests a sense of being at ease with one's current circumstances or achievements, leading to a general feeling of happiness and tranquility. 7) To .................. means to make something stronger, more robust, or more resilient. This can apply to physical objects, relationships, skills, or any other aspect that undergoes improvement, reinforcement, or enhancement. 8) ..................is a group of people who have limited access to essential resources, services, or opportunities, often due to economic, social, or geographic factors. These communities may face challenges in areas such as healthcare, education, or economic development. 9) ................. involves the organized effort to collect money or resources, typically for a specific cause, project, or charitable organization. This can include various activities, events, or campaigns aimed at gathering financial support from individuals, businesses, or other entities. 10) ............... refer to the costs incurred or money spent in the process of carrying out activities, maintaining operations, or fulfilling obligations. In personal finance or business, expenses encompass a wide range of expenditures, including purchases, bills, salaries, and other financial outflows.

Charity voc






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