1) What is the Bar Mitzvah? a) Rite of Passage for Jewish boys b) An Islamic holiday c) A Christian ceremony d) A bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah is a coming-of-age ritual in Judaism. According to Jewish law, before children reach a certain age, the parents are responsible for their child's actions. Once Jewish children reach that age, they are said to "become" b'nai mitzvah, at which point they begin to be held accountable for their own actions. e) A Buddhist rite of passage f) An African holiday 2) Who are the characters in the book: Turtle Boy?  a) Dr. Haffetz and Adolf Hitler b) President Biden and President Trump c) Rabbi Jones, Rabbi Andrews, and Spencer d) Helen Keller, the teacher, and the gang e) Judy Blume f) Jake, Spencer, Turtle Boy’s mom, Dr. Haffetz, Rabbi Harris 3) What type of problem does Will, the Turtle Boy, have with other kids? a) Bullying and teasing b) Poor self esteem c) Jealousy d) Pride e) Anger f) Depression 4) What type of medical condition does Turtle Boy have? a) Asthma b) Hives c) Loose teeth d) Depression e) Diabetes f) Micrognathia with aplasia of the mandibular condyles 5) Who is Turtle Boy's best friend? a) Shirah b) Jake c) Spencer d) Rabbi Harris e) his mom f) Ralph 6) What traumatic events have occurred within this family? a) His turtle died. b) His best friend moved away. c) His mother and grandmother were killed in a car accident. d) His father died in surgery. e) His father died in a plane crash. f) His baby brother was missing.  7) What is the setting of the story? book?  a) The dentist's office b) The hospital   c) The beach and the mall d) The church and his house e) The American school, the mall, and the beach f) Turtle Boy’s house, doctor’s office, synagogue 8) What type of pet(s) does Turtle Boy have? a) Three birds and five turtles b) Two birds and a dog c) A pig, a goat, and a dog d) A hamster and a cat e) A dog and a rat f) Box turtle, painted turtle, musk turtle, and a snapping turtle 9) What happens to his new pet turtle: the Blanding turtle?  a) The large box turtle bit the Blanding turtle b) The glass of the terrariums shattered injuring the turtles c) an insect bit the turtle d) the turtle ran into the glass e) the turtle was already injured when Will found it f) the turtle bit itself 10) How does Will Levine, the Turtle Boy, gain a new terrarium?  a) The science teacher allowed him to borrow one. b) His mother purchased a terrarium for him. c) He found one in an abandoned warehouse. d) The rabbi purchased one for him. e) He purchased a new one for $20. f) Gwen told him about a terrarium that was thrown in the garbage 11) Who assists Will Levine, the Turtle Boy, with information about how to help his injured turtle? a) His mom b) Ms. Kuper, the science teacher c) His principal, Dr. Monk d) Jake e) Max f) Spencer 12) As part of his community service, who does Will, the Turtle Boy visit in the hospital? a) Max b) Spencer c) Jake d) RJ e) his dad f) Dr. Monk 13) Who's Bat Mitzah does Will and Mrs. Levine attend?  a) Shirah b) Max c) Janice d) Sharell e) Sharee f) Shavon 14) Who was also teased in the story? a) Shirah b) Jake c) Spencer d) Max e) Dr. Monk f) Rabbi Harris 15) What do Will and RJ have in common? a) Both characters have lost a parent. b) Both characters love pizza. c) They love to watch television. d) They like to play chess. e) They are both short in stature. f) They have diabetes. 16) Rabbi Harris tells Turtle Boy that Ralph is dying. How will this impact Turtle Boy? a) He will think about his father's death. b) He will think about his mom's death. c) He will be disturbed about his grandparents' death. d) He will be upset about a turtle that died in the past. e) He will cry about his brother that passed last year. f) He will cry about his sister that passed last year.

Turtle Boy






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