Two ____ factors of intensive agriculture in the ____ of Ireland counties like ____ Kildare and Wicklow are ____ and Soil. The Cool ____ Oceanic (____ coast) ____ Climate suits both intensive ____ and pastoral farming. It is a ____ climate influenced by the Atlantic Ocean and the ____ South ____ winds. Summers are warm (____ C in Meath) and moist (____) and suits ____, beef, ____ and ____ crops for animals... There is a long ____ season for wheat, ____, silage and ____. High ____ in Summer (no clouds) guarantees ____ in the ____ season and for ____ (May to Nov). Winters are mild (____ influences) so animals are ____ longer and more ____. In ____ N. Dublin (Swords, ____) ____ gardening for ____ and ____ is guaranteed a ____ growing season. The South ____ winds are ____ and ____ and bring moderate rainfall (800mm) in the Growing season (____ to ____)The soils are very ____ in the main counties of Dublin, ____ and Carlow. They suit ____ worked ____, beef and ____ farms They include fertile ____ in the river Valleys like the ____, Liffey, Barrow....(due to repeated ____ in the past) The plains of ____, Wicklow, Louth have fertile ____ clay soils (dropped by ____) The ____ are rich in natural ____ like ____ and ____ and are enriched with ____ – for sustained ____. The ____ coastal and well-____ soils in North Dublin suit ____ gardening for ____ and ____. Soils are well ____ by nearby rivers and by the ____ limestone bedrock that allows the ____ to ____ off. Farmers and farm ____ boards like ____ employ soil ____ to test soil ____ and suitability for different uses. But ____ schemes encouraged over-production by both arable and ____ farming, which ____ some soils. Recent ____ grants enable farmers to rest over used ____ and ____ them for the future.






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