1) Dr. Parr was a _______ traveller to Dublin. a) frequent b) recurrent 2) There has been a rise in the numbers of _____ travellers as opposed to those on packages. a) self-contained b) independent 3) _______ travellers know exactly how to get an upgrade on their bookings. a) Seasoned b) Practised 4) I'm fed up with reading about all these _______ travellers going up the Amazon river in a canoe. a) intrepid b) heroic 5) The hotel offers ______ travellers an excellent opportunity to recharge their batteries. a) fatigued b) weary 6) LuxVac is the resort for _______ travellers - one who knows how to appreciate the good things in life. a) judicious b) discerning 7) My father has always been more of ________ traveller, much to my mother's disgust. a) an armchair b) a sofa 8) Susie is the kind of _____ traveller who will probably never settle down in one place. a) inveterate b) habitual 9) The hotel touts lie in wait for _____ travellers and then make them to unsuitable lodgings. a) unguarded b) unwary

CPE 1 - U2.1 (Vocabulary - traveler)






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