Booker. T. Washington - Opened the Tuskegee Institute - preferred Gradualism, W.E.B Du Bois - Rejected Washington in Atlanta Compromise Speech, Niagara Movement - Formed in 1905 - put the focus on black protest, NAACP - The National Association for the Advanced of Coloured People (1909), The Great Migration - Blacks moved to northern cities for WW1 jobs, Riots in 1917 - Racially aggravated violence in St. Louis & Chicago, WW1 - 360,000 served in segregated labor batallions, Plessy vs Ferguson - 1896 Supreme Court judgement 'seperate but equal', Pink-Franklin Case - NAACP argued for self-defence in black shooting trial, Urban League - Founded in 1910 black and white professionals, Voting restrictions in South - Grandfather clause, Literacy tests 1890-1905, Guinn vs. US - NAACP challenged Grandfather clause in Oaklahoma, Jim Crow - De Facto segregation in private facilities in South, Woodrow Wilson - Permitted segregation in federal agencies & Navy, Silent March - NAACP protest in NYC against race riots, Anti-Lynching Law - Tabled in 1918 and 1922 and failed both times,

Q: African Americans 1890-1920






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