Enron, once a leading US energy company, collapsed in 2001 due to widespread accounting fraud and corporate misconduct. Enron executives ____ earnings by recording potential future profits as current income and using other ____ practices. These were not immediately ____ because the company’s financial dealings were often highly complex and the company was provided with favourable audit opinions from their accounting firm. The scandal led to Enron’s bankruptcy in 2001, with shareholders losing $74 billion. The company executives were sentenced to years in prison. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Theranos, a start-up once valued at $10 billion, promised to revolutionize blood testing by providing multiple blood tests from a minimal blood sample and at a very low cost. The company, which raised millions of dollars in funding, never produced any ____ technology. The company CEO and former president faced charges of ____ investors and patients and received lengthy prison sentences. Source: Investopedia An employee started to suspect his manager of ____ funds from the company but he was afraid to speak up. Cybersecurity experts investigated a case of identity theft and ____ online transactions. A team of forensic accountants uncovered what looked like a money ____ case. Authorities opened an investigation into ____ ____ by a wealthy individual who was suspected of hiding substantial assets in offshore accounts. A group of teenagers printed ____ money using specialized equipment. Two journalists investigated a case of ____ ____ among executives and shareholders.

Text Gap Fill (ESL Brains - Financial crimes)






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