1) Which is NOT an expressed power in the Legislative branch. a) Regulate commerce b) Power to tax c) The power to create stamps d) Declare war e) Make laws f) Approves of budget 2) Which is the correct order of how a bill becomes a law. a) Introduce, debate, committee, vote, signs law b) Vote, committee, debate, signs law, introduce c) Committee, introduce, vote, debate, signs law d) Introduce, committee, debate, vote, signs law 3) What is the Legislative responsible for? a) Enforcing laws b) Interprets laws c) Makes laws 4) How many members are in the House of Representatives? a) 100 b) 50 c) 435 d) 400 5) Where does the Legislative Branch get its power from? a) Article I b) Article II c) Magna Carta d) Preamble 6) What is the president's advisory group called? a) Cabinet b) Congress c) Chief of Party 7) How many hats does the president wear? a) 6 b) 9 c) 27 d) 7 8) When the president carries out laws what hat does the president wear? a) Chief Diplomat b) Chief of State c) Chief Executive d) Chief Citizen 9) When the president makes foreign trade policies with other countries what hat does the president wear? a) Chief Executive b) Chief Diplomat c) Chief Citizen d) Chief of State 10) The president can declare war. a) True b) False 11) How many senators are in the U.S? a) 50 b) 435 c) 100 d) It depends on the population 12) How many senators does each state get? a) 10 b) 3 c) 15 d) 2 13) What court case established Judicial review? a) Marbury v. Madison b) McCulloch v. Maryland c) Dred Scott v. Sandford d) Miranda v. Arizona 14) What is Judicial review? a) Authority to hear a case b) Authority to hear a case first c) Authority to determine if case follows the constitution 15) What is a misdemeanor? a) Serious crime b) Minor offense 16) What is original jurisdiction? a) Authority to determine if case follows the constitution b) Authority to hear a case first c) Authority to hear a case 17) Which court is the most powerful? a) U.S. Supreme Court b) U.S. District Court c) U.S. Court of Appeals 18) What is the main job of the Judicial branch? a) Enforce b) Interpert c) Execute d) Make 19) What is the requirement that a person must be treated fairly in court called? a) Due process b) Judicial review c) Rights d) Freedom 20) Which amendment requires the state government to follow due process? a) 5th amendment b) 14th amendment c) 1st amendment d) 16th amendment

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