māuiui - sick, ora - well, āwangawanga - worried, āmaimai - nervous, pukuriri - angry, hōhā - bored, ohorere - suprised, hiainu - thirsty, ngenge - tired, hiakai - hungry, koa / harikoa - happy, pōuri - sad, makariri - cold, wera - hot, whakamā - embarrased, mataku - scared, pōrearea - confused, kei te ora tonu ahau - I'm still well, kei te pērā tonu ahau - I'm still the same, kei te kaha tonu ahau - I'm still strong, noho - sit, tū - stand, hīkoi - walk, oma - run, peke - jump, piki - climb, hopu - catch, whiu - throw, takoto - lie down, tākaro - play, kōrero - talk, waiata - sing, kanikani - dance, kai - eat, inu - drink, moe - sleep, tangi - cry, oho - wake up, taraiwa - drive, titiro - look, whakarongo - listen, haere mai - come here, haere atu - go away , tatari - wait, tiki - get, fetch, whāngai - feed/ adopt, haere - go, mahi - work, pānui - read, ūmere - shout,

adjectives and verbs







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