1) Tom came ... the school. a) over b) out of c) along 2) The dog jumped ... the fence. a) over b) under c) along 3) He swam ... the river. a) over b) along c) across 4) They got ... the bus. a) off b) from c) along 5) We took a walk ... the river. a) out of b) across c) along 6) We went ... the hill. a) for b) up c) to 7) She ran ... the stairs. a) out of b) into c) down 8) He went ... passport control. a) in b) at c) through 9) Don't jump ... the sea. a) for b) along c) into 10) He was walking ... me. a) into b) towards c) for 11) He went ... the cinema. a) to b) at c) in 12) We flew ... London ... Paris. a) at ... in b) from ... to c) with ... to 13) He came ... train. a) on b) by c) at 14) Please write ... a pencil. a) with b) at c) on 15) I must talk to him ... person. a) to b) on c) in 16) He did it ... annoy me. a) for b) to c) at

Prepositions of movement and purpose przyimki kierunku i przyczyny Repetytorium Pearson





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