get hands-on - to find, get, or control, incentive scheme - a plan or system for encouraging people to do sth or to work harder by, in the long-run - after a long period of time, in the short-run - after a short period of time, take for granted - not to value sth because you have it, sick leave - being absent from work because you are ill, maternity leave - being absent from work to take care of a baby, paid leave - being absent from work and being paid, unpaid leave - being absent from work without being paid, boost staff morale - to increase the confidence and enthusiasm of staff, acknowledged - accepted publicly as having a particular status or authority, long-haul flights - long-distance flight, attendance reward - sth such as extra money that is given to sb because they have come to work regularly and have ont missed days, Labour Code - a legal document that deals with individual employment contracts , appreciation - the feeling of being grateful for sth or noticing sb's good qualities, good work, etc, fulfilment - a feeling of being happy and satisfied with what you are doing or have done,

BR 4 Unit 2






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