1) When is Cultural's anniversary? a) May, 21st b) May, 22nd c) May, 23rd d) May, 24th 2) What does AACI stand for? a) Asociación Argentina de Cultura Inglesa b) Asociación Amigos de la Cultura Inglesa c) Agrupación Argentina de Cultura Inglesa d) Asociación Anglo Argentina de Cultura Inglesa 3) When was Cultural Inglesa founded? a) 1943 b) 1953 c) 1963 d) 1973 4) Who was the first principal of Cultural Inglesa S.F.? a) Miss Browning b) Harold Perkins c) María Isabel Recamán d) Elsa Muñoz de Toro de Monella 5) When was Cultural Inglesa's house built? a) At the end of XVIII century b) At the end of XIX century c) At the end of XX century d) At the end of XVII century 6) Who was the first owner of Cultural Inglesa's building? a) Intendente Hugo Freyre b) Dr. Agustín Zapata Gollán c) Gobernador Ignacio Crespo d) Dr. Abelardo Irigoyen Freyre 7) How many classrooms are there at Cultural Inglesa? a) thirteen b) fourteen c) fifteen d) sixteen 8) Which international exams can you take at Cultural Inglesa? a) Trinity College Examinations b) Oxford Examinations c) Pearson Examinations d) Cambridge Examinations 9) How many branches has Cultural Inglesa got in Santa Fe? a) one b) two c) three d) four 10) Who's the current principal at Cultural Inglesa? a) Olga Simoniello b) Bibiana Degiorgi c) Fabiana Schnell d) Fernanda Montú

AACI Anniversary Quiz






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